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  • ZWO Mono CMOS Camera ASI 1600MM - Sensor D=21,9 mm  
  • ZWO Mono CMOS Camera ASI 1600MM - Sensor D=21,9 mm

    • Číslo produktu: ASI1600MM
    • Výrobca: ZWO
    • Váha dodávky: 0.12 kg

    Naša cena: 1402 €
    1-2 týždne  
    Sledovať dostupnost - ZWO Mono CMOS Camera ASI 1600MM - Sensor D=21,9 mm
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  • Tento produkt je dostupný tiež v nasledujúcich variantách:
     ZWO Mono CMOS Camera ASI 1600MM - Sensor D=21,9 mm 1402 €
     ZWO MONO Astro Camera ASI1600MM Pro cooled - Sensor D=21.9 mm 2027 €

Nechlazená černobílá kamera pro náročné astrofotografy. Používá se moderní Panasonic CMOS obrazový čip s vysokou citlivostí a současně velmi nízkým šumem.

ZWO ASI1600 SMonochrome CMOS Camera for astrophotography

ASI cameras stand for a very good workmanship and use up-to-date CMOS sensors. The camera is very versatile, excellently suitable for objects of the solar system. Due to the low-noise CMOS sensor, deep sky images are also well possible.

With 21.9 mm sensor size and high resolution 3.8 µm pixels, the ASI1600MM monochrome camera offers very high detail resolution and simultaneously a large field of view.

Over colour cameras, MONO CCD cameras have the advantage of higher sensitivity and resolution. However, the effort required for getting a color image is higher (L-RGB method).

Advantages and features of the ASI 1600 color camera:

♦ USB 3.0 for a fast download - an also be used with USB 2.0
♦ Sensitive CMOS sensor with 21.9 mm diameter - 16 megapixels
♦ High resolution through 3.8 µm pixels
♦ Distance from T2 connection thread to camera sensor: 17.5 mm
♦ Comes with AR protection window - full transmission also in IR. If infrared should be blocked, an IR-cut filter is necessary.

Downloads, Drivers:

ZW Optical supplies software and drivers online for free download.

Software and drivers for all ZWO cameras


Sensor: 4/3” CMOS
Resolution: 16 megapixels, 4656*3520
Pixel size: 3.8 µm
Sensor size: 21.9 mm diameter
Exposure time: 32 µs to infinity
Software requirements: USB 3.0 should be supported by operating system
Bit Rate: 12bit output (12bit ADC)
Telescope connection: T2, 2″ and 1,25″
Distance T2 thread to sensor: 17.5 mm
Size: 62 mm diameter and 36 mm length
Weight: 120 grams
Obsah balenia:
♦ ASI camera
♦ Adapter to 1,25″ with filter thread
♦ Quick guide
♦ USB cable
♦ ST-4 autoguider cable

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