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  • TS Optics Carrying Bag for Counterweights up to 150 mm diameter  
  • TS Optics Carrying Bag for Counterweights up to 150 mm diameter

    • Číslo produktu: TSBGGW
    • Výrobca: TS Optics
    • Váha dodávky: 0.1 kg

    Naša cena: 28.80 €
    1-2 týždne  
    Sledovať dostupnost - TS Optics Carrying Bag for Counterweights up to 150 mm diameter
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TS-Optics Transport Bag for Counterweights

The carrying bag is robust and offers convenient space, scratching and damage of accessories by the counterweight is prevented. The bag is comfortably opened by zipper. For easy transport, a stable handle is attached.

The bag fits all counterweights up to 150 mm diameter. Among others, it is well suited for:

♦ All Sky-Watcher counterweights for EQ3, EQ5, EQ6, AZ-EQ5 and AZ-EQ6 mounts
♦ Celestron counterweights for CGEM, CGX, Advanced VX
♦ 10Micron counterweights for GM1000
♦ Losmandy counterweights for G11 and GM-8
♦ Geoptik counterweights
♦ iOptron counterweights
♦ Baader counterweights for AstroPhysics mounts

Weight of the bag: 100 grams
Diameter: 160 mm
Height: 100 mm
Obsah balenia:
♦ TS transport bag for counterweight

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