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  • Geoptik Pack in Bag for Skywatcher AZ-EQ5  
  • Geoptik Pack in Bag for Skywatcher AZ-EQ5

    • Číslo produktu: 30B035
    • Výrobca: Geoptik
    • Váha dodávky: 0.7 kg

    Naša cena: 65 €
    Na sklade v e-shope: 1 ks 
    Posledný kus za túto cenu!

Geoptik PACK IN BAG System - optimal for transport and storage.

For the mounts, Skywatcher has developed the best possible transport protection. You can continue to use this foam and combine it with a Geoptic transportation bag.

The advantages of the Geoptik bags:
♦ Robust and weatherproof construction
♦ Protection from light rain and dew
♦ Durable
♦ Stable handles which will not tear off

Size: Matches exactly the size of the Skywatcher cardboard box
Hight inside: around 22 cm
Length inside: around 41 cm
Width inside: around 43 cm
Obsah balenia:
♦ 1 Bag without content

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